
When people talk about how they hate being put in box, I scorn my lips and wonder what the fuss is about. Labels are not the enemy. They're meant to make it easier to identify people.
Well I found myself in the same situation. 

For a while now, I don't know how to identify career wise. I love creating in so many ways but I find it difficult to define myself. Am I a journalist, a writer, a video editor, a digital journalist? What am I?

The pressure to do something to start my career has gotten to me but it's difficult when you're confused.
Everywhere I look on the internet there's a post yelling at me to Just Start. It's like my FBI guy really wants me to succeed. There's always this post saying something like, "it's ok to suck," "allow yourself to fail" etc.

To start something you should at least have an idea of what you're doing. For instance, I want to write. But what do I want to write? I don't know. I think ok, if I were to make videos, what kind of videos do I want to make? I don't know. I have a loooong list of ideas but none of them ring the "that's it" bell. So yeah, stop screaming at me to just start 'cause I don't know what I'm starting.

But now that I think about it, maybe I don't need a label. I don't have to put myself in a box in order to find my purpose. Maybe I'm a Video editing digital marketing journalist. Oh wait, that's a label and the point is not to label... Right?
Well, from now on I'll do whatever I like. If I want to express myself in a video, so be it. If writing does it justice, I'll do that. And if I say, today we're marketing, guess what I'm gonna do? That's right, market!

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